We create this plugin based on VMAP and VAST standards

VMAP (Video Multiple Ad Playlist)

VMAP describes when an ad should be played.

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template)

VAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video players. Using an XML schema, VAST transfers important metadata about an ad from the ad server to a video player.

Why These Standards Are Important

It is all about scalability. In order for publishers to serve ads across multiple platforms / devices with the video player of their choice, a common ground to build against is required.

How to Use the plugin.

To access the plugin configuration screen you can click on the red Advertising Manager button on the top of the videos manager or on the Plugin button on the right side of the AD_Server plugin on the plugin manager

To have your ad videos playing will need to do two things 1. Create a campaign 1. Add videos on your campaign

Create a campaign

Fill all the fields on the lest side and click on the Save button The Max Prints field when the ad reaches the number of views will no longer compete with the display ads queue

Campaign List

On the right side you can see a list of the campaigns and buttons to add videos, see a simple chart about the campaign progress, edit a campaign and delete the campaign respectively.

Add videos

On the first field type a name of a video, and a list will pop up below, choose a video and fill the other fields and click on the green add Video button

the videos choosed here will randomly appear in your campaign

Plugin Parameters

  • start = Check it if an Advertising should appear on the start video position;
  • mid25Percent = Check it if an Advertising should appear when the video position reaches 25% of the full video length;
  • mid50Percent = Check it if an Advertising should appear when the video position reaches 50% of the full video length;
  • mid75Percent = Check it if an Advertising should appear when the video position reaches 75% of the full video length;
  • end = Check it if an Advertising should appear when the video position reaches the end of the full video length;
  • showAdsOnEachVideoView = This defines how often advertisements will appear, for example: if it is set to 2, you will see ads each 2 videos, but if it is set to 1 you will see ads on every video;
  • showAdsOnRandomPositions = This will pick random positions to display the ads, but it will pic only the positions you have checked above. For example, if you want to have 2 random positions, but do not want to have videos on the start position, you must uncheck the start video position checkbox;
  • skipoffset = This is the percentage where the skip button should appear;
  • showMarkers = Check it if you want to show the yellow markers on the video, where the advertising should appear;