What is it

It is a virtual wallet that you can store some credits, to use on the YouPHPTube. you probably need some other plugins to be able to spend those credits.

This is quite interesting to avoid third parties fees.

Manual Requests

On every manual request the specified email on the configuration will be notified about the request. ## Add Funds This option is in case the site receives payment in other ways defined by the administrator.

In this case when the user makes the payment he must notify by the site that the payment was made. so the administrator can approve or cancel the request.

If the payment is approved, the credit is automatically added to the user’s wallet.

Withdraw Funds

When a user request a withdraw, the requested balance is automatic removed from the user wallet and the transaction will be pending on the user history.

If the Admin set this history log to Cancel the credit will be refund to the user, otherwise the credit goes to the admin wallet.

Configuration Options

  • decimalPrecision = The decimal precision of the currency you will use in your site
  • wallet_button_title = The top button title;
  • add_funds_text = The text that appear on the automatic add page (PayPal);
  • add_funds_success_success = Text used in case of automatic add funds success;
  • add_funds_success_cancel = Text used in case of automatic add funds cancel;
  • add_funds_success_fail = Text used in case of automatic add funds fail;
  • transfer_funds_text = Text used on the transfer page;
  • transfer_funds_success_success = Text used in case of transfer funds success;
  • transfer_funds_success_fail =Text used in case of transfer funds fail;
  • withdraw_funds_text = Text used on withdraw page;
  • withdraw_funds_success_success = Text used in case of withdraw funds success;
  • withdraw_funds_success_fail = Text used in case of withdraw funds success;
  • currency = Currency abbreviation (USD);
  • currency_symbol = “$”;
  • addFundsOptions = an JSON array with the values options to add funds;
  • showWalletOnlyToAdmin = check this in case you want only admin to see the wallet on the top;
  • CryptoWalletName = Each user can add an Crypto currency wallet address, and that is the name we will label it;
  • enableAutomaticAddFundsPage = Enable this in case you want to use PayPal;
  • enableManualAddFundsPage = Enable this in case you want a manual add funds option (useful to use your own currency);
  • manualAddFundsMenuTitle = The menu label;
  • manualAddFundsPageButton = The confirm button label;
  • manualAddFundsNotifyEmail = The email where we will notify the add funds request;
  • manualAddFundsTransferFromUserId = The user ID that we will use to transfer funds in case a add funds request is approved;
  • enableManualWithdrawFundsPage = Enable this in case you want a manual add withdraw option (useful to use your own currency);
  • withdrawFundsOptions = an JSON array with the values options to withdraw funds;
  • manualWithdrawFundsMenuTitle = The menu label;
  • manualWithdrawFundsPageButton = The confirm button label;
  • manualWithdrawFundsNotifyEmail = The email where we will notify the withdraw funds request;
  • manualWithdrawFundsTransferToUserId = The user ID that we will use to transfer funds in case a withdraw funds request is approved;